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Bernell Functional Binocular Assessment Test...
Bernell Functional Binocular Assessment Test Booklet (FBAT) - Folleto de prueba de evaluación binocular funcional de Bernell (FBAT) Bernell FBAT es una prueba de anaglifos portátil diseñada para una evaluación binocular conveniente en...
165,00 € *
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Cubo de fijación con símbolos Lea
Cubo de fijación con símbolos Lea Este cubo de fijación viene en un palo blanco y está impreso con símbolos de Lea por todas partes. Buen artículo Lite no. 256400. También disponible con palito rojo y dibujos de animales.
17,00 € *
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Cubierta lente translúcida/roja-Maddox
Cubierta lente translúcida/roja-Maddox Esta funda tiene plástico translúcido por un lado y un Maddox rojo por el otro.
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Bloc de estrella de Van Orden (bloc de 100...
Tarjetas de respuesta para test de la estrella de Van Orden (100 hojas) El test de la estrella de Van Orden se utiliza para probar la coordinación ojo-mano y la foria con un estereoscopio Brewster. Detalles técnicos El resultado de la...
4,50 € * 6,00 € *
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Fixation cube with acuity check
Fixation cube with acuity check This fixation cube comes on a white rod, and with funny symbols printed on all 4 sides. On the top, there is a quick acuity check for decimal 0,1 and 0,2 at 40 cm. Length: 15cm.
22,00 € *
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15118 Neutral Density Bar w/ case
15118 Neutral Density Bar w/ case The Neutral Density Bar w/ case was made to measure the afferent pupillary defects (APD). This device includes six filters: 0.3, 0.6, 0.9, 1.2, 1.5, and 1.8 log unit optical density. Perfect for pocket...
Preise nach Anmeldung.
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Occluder handle black/red Maddox
Occluder handle black/red Maddox This occluder has a black plastic ending on the one side, and on the other a red Maddox.
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Optokinetic Drum (OKDRUM10)
OKDRUM10 Optokinetic Drum with black and white lines and handle.
275,00 € *
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Flipper Set with acrylic holder, 6 pieces
Flipper Set with acrylic holder, 6 pieces This set contains 6 spherical flippers with colored handles and an acrylic holder. The flippers come in the following powers: 0.25dpt, 0.50dpt, 1.00dpt, 1.50dpt, 2.00dpt and 2.50dpt. Manufacturer...
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Bagolini flipper with penlight
Bagolini flipper with penlight This Bagolini flipper comes with a penlight. Its' striated lenses and the penlight enable you to perform the Bagolini test. For testing of ARC orthoptics. Shipped with lens cloth in a fine cardboard box.
139,00 € *
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BC300 - Bernell-O-Phore This item is a visual testing and training device from Bernell. As a mirror stereoscope, it is similar to a synoptophore. You can use it to easily and quickly assess depth perception, phorias, and fusional...
Preise nach Anmeldung.
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