Press release 4/24/2020: VISUS offers products for Covid-19

VISUS® now sells products for Covid-19

Herrenberg im Gäu – Nowadays everyone talks about it: Face masks. But sourcing these has become extremly difficult. However, VISUS offers a few types, along with other protective products! The government has isued special laws to import and sell non medical face masks, to help protect people. "Frankly, it has taken us more than a week of hard work to find these products." says CEO Moritz Fanti. "But now we are happy to have these items in stock.". By Friday 24th of April, a few thousand masks were in stock in Herrenberg. Many customers preordered these and shipments already went out.

„VISUS“ ( is actually the German market leader for vision training products, a niche in the optometry branch. But also this area struggles with the corona crisis. Many customers can't see patients any more. Remote sessions and software training products are a last change to work with patients who need vision therapy.

Next week, and in some countries in May, many stores will reopen, so a lot more persons will be outside and in stores. At the same time, optometrists and eye doctors need to protect their staff and patients from getting infected. In a study issued by the German government, it says 12 billions of face masks are needed in Germany. Sourcing of these has been and still is very difficult. Most shops are sold out, and shipping from China is chaotich, due to many legal changes. VISUS offers also gloves, a EN 166 compliant safety goggle and a breath protection shield for slit lamps, that also covers the part above the ocular. All of thse Covid19 products can be found here:

In this shop, we try to post status updates daily, so that customers can stay up to date. More than 1 supplier was found, to prevent potential shortage of stock.

Infection through nose, but also through eyes

Scientists at the Max-Delbrück-Center for molecular medicine (MDC) in Berlin said on April 23rd 2020, that the nose was the main area for infections with Covid19. But also, the eyes, said the scientists.

Pick-up / Express delivery:

In Stuttgart and Herrenberg customers can pick up their prepaid orders. Alternatively you can have us ship via Express.


All images under the above link of the product category "Hygiene / Disinfection" may be used freely.

Contact for press:

Moritz Fanti (CEO)

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