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82640 S81317
149,00 € *
81319 S81319
187,00 € *
81756-messbrille-universal S81319
264,00 € *
81753 S81319
640,00 € *
81755-messbrille-ub4 S81319
775,00 € *
81751-messbrille-ub6 S81319
895,00 € *
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Polarized filter, circular, for UB 6, adjustable These circular polarized filters can be mounted directly on the trial frame UB 6. They are adjustable, so you can simply push them out of the view. With full frame. Simply mount them using...
363,00 € *
2% Online Discount
Trial frame UB 6 for adults The UB 6 trial frame for adults is lighter and even more comfortable than the former models. It also comes in a more modern design. Ergonomically optimized elements for adjusting the cylinder, PD, nose height...
895,00 € *
2% Online Discount
Trial frame UB 4 for adults (UB4) Trial frame UB-4 for adults. This trial frame is very light and fits comfortably on the skin. Modern design, ergonomically optimized elements for cylinder, PD, nose height and temple adjustments...
775,00 € *
2% Online Discount
Trial frame UB 5 (universal) Universal trial frame UB-5 for children and small heads. Space for 10 trial lenses with 28mm each. PD range 40-72mm. Temple inclination and length adjustable. Comfortable angle change. With HSA scale.
640,00 € *
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Prism rotator for trial frame (1 pair)
Prism rotator for trial frame (1 pair) This prism rotator in 38mm is put in the trial frame on both sides. Up to 20 pdpt per side, so together 40 pdpt. Weight (both units): 227 g.
835,00 € *
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Abgleichleiste ohne Entspiegelung. Geeignet für den Feinabgleich im Rahmen der Prä-Qualifizierung. Enthält Gläser mit 1/4 Dioptrie Unterschied: Sph +/- 0,25 und +/- 0,50 dpt.
149,00 € *
2% Online Discount
Pediatric trial frame (PD 54-70mm) This trial frame for children has a variable PD of 54-70mm. Temples can also be adjusted. Fits up to 4 lenses on each side (38mm diameter). With Tabi scale, made of light metal. Color: Grey.
187,00 € *
2% Online Discount
Light-weight trial frame for adults&children Trial frame for adults and children. Cylinder, PD, nose height and temple length can all be adjusted. Space for 5 trial lenses per side(eye), in 38mm diameter (3 in the front, 2 in the back)....
264,00 € *
2% Online Discount
Trial frame for children (PD 56mm)
Trial frame for children (PD 56mm) Trial frame for children, with a PD of 56mm. Length of temples can be adjusted. Up to 4 lenses on each side can be inserted, and turned. With tabo scale. Fits trial lenses with 38mm diameter.
121,00 € *
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