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Eyetracking bar tobii 5L
1 990,00 € *
2% Online Discount
Eyetracking bar tobii eyex
Eyetracking bar tobii eyex This tobii eyex eyetracking bar is needed to run the Eyetracking software (e.g. item 88313). Please order this bar along with your Eyetracking software subscription.
420,00 € *
2% Online Discount
Eyetracking software (1 year subscription)
Eyetracking software (1 year subscription) With this new software subscription of our Eyetracking software you will always get the latest version, and you will benefit from ongoing developments. Licence: Annually (payment within 30 days...
399,00 € *
2% Online Discount
Infrared Occluder for the Eyetracking system
Infrared Occluder for the Eyetracking system Infrared occluder (cover) for Eyetracking System. This occluder can be used with our Eyetracking System (item 82030), to show phorias. The infrared cameras of the eyetracking bar will detect...
37,00 € *
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