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81135-marsden-ball S81135
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81810-marsden-ball S81134
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81807-marsdenball-rot-gruen S81134
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80035-balance board-holz S80105
29,00 € *
81170-bleistifte-mit-buchstaben S81170
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Juggling ball (white-blue) Small juggling ball in white and blue, with a 45mm diameter.
0,89 € *
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Boule de Marsden moyenne souple, blanche,...
Boule de Marsden moyenne souple, blanche, lettres noires Ballon d'entraînement pour les exercices de fixation en caoutchouc mi-souple. Blanc avec lettres noires, adapté aux mains des enfants. Le crochet fait partie du moule global et est...
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Saccade chart vertical/horizontal (set of 5) These charts are for saccadic fixation training. Front with numbers in two vertical columns. Backside with numbers in two horizontal lines. Set includes 5 charts. Printed in high resolution on...
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Fixationsball weich (Marsdenball, 5 Stck) Marsden ball for fixation training (Pack of 5 pieces). With letters and numbers. Made of soft foam. Comes with a long cord and hook, to hang it from the ceiling. Product details: 5 balls (with...
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Fixation ball (Marsden ball), soft, red/green Marsden ball (fixation ball) made of soft foam. With red and green areas and black letters. To train fixation under binocular conditions. Usually used with red-green goggles, which have to be...
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Saccade charts, circles (5 pieces) The saccade chart with number circles is used for visual training. The front side comes with 12 numbers, the backside with 24 numbers. This set includes 5 charts. Fine printing on stable plastic.
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Boule de Marsden moyenne souple, blanche,...
Boule de Marsden moyenne souple, blanche, lettres rouges Ballon d'entraînement pour les exercices de fixation en caoutchouc mi-souple. Blanc avec lettres rouges, à utiliser avec des verres filtrants rouges. Convient aux mains des...
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Marsden ball (fixation ball) for testing and training fixation skills. Made of medium soft rubber. Red with black letters. Small size, ideal for children. The hook is part of the ball, making the whole piece very stable. Comes with 5,5m...
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MIT 2, Macula Integrity Tester (220V)
MIT 2, Macula Integrity Tester (220V) The MIT 2 (Macula Integrity Tester) is used for measuring excentric fixation and during vision training. With built-in worth-4-dot test. This version 2 has some improvements towards the version 2...
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Fixation ball, rubber (Marsdenball, 1 piece) - DISCONTINUED New item: Art. 81807
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Ähnlich wie beim klassischen Mikado wird bei diesem Spiel ein Stift nach dem anderen aufgehoben, ohne dass sich andere Stifte bewegen. Die mitgelieferte Rot-Grün-Brille wird währenddessen getragen.
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